Paul Ausster

Paul Auster was born on February 3, 1947 in Newark, New Jersey. He attended high school in Maplewood. Instead of attending his high-school graduation, Auster headed for Europe. He visited Italy, Spain, France and naturally James Joyce's Dublin. While he traveled he worked on a novel.

He returned to the United States to start at Columbia University. Auster's years at Columbia coincided with a period of social unrest, but he didn't participate actively in student politics.

In June of 1969 Auster received a B.A. in English and comparative literature. The following year he received his M.A. from Columbia.

In February 1971 Auster left for Paris. He supported himself there with a variety of odd jobs and minor literary tasks.

He returned to the US in 1974. Auster has written poems, essays, novels, screenplays and translations. He now lives in Brooklyn, New York City with his wife and two children.