Chevalier, Tracy: *1962

Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1999 - Information about the Book

  • General Information
    • The pearl earring represents status, wealth, and a sense of foreign beauty and mystique, while her turban and non-Western clothes emphasize her cultural worldliness. Scholars suggest that the figure in the painting ultimately symbolizes the intermixing of Eastern and Western traditions through trade routes.
    • Information from Wikipedia
    • Information from Tracy Chevalier`s Homepage
  • Facts
    • Pronunciation of names:
      In Dutch Griet is pronounced Ccccrrrrr-eet. You sort of clear your throat to say the 'Gr'. Most non-Dutch people find that a difficult sound to reproduce and simply say 'Greet'.
      Catharina - Cat-ah-rina
      Maria Thins - Maria Tins
      Maertge - Mair-je
      Aleydis - Uh-lie-dis
      Cornelia - Cor-nay-lia
      van Ruijven - van Rrrrow-van
      van Leeuwenhoek - van Low-ee-van-hoke
  • Inspiration
    • Author The inspiration for the novel
    • Author Finding the story inside the painting; spring 2012
    • Author Discussion about the inspiration behind Chevalier's "Girl with a Pearl Earring". Google Hangout; March 28, 2013
  • Articles
    • The Meaning in a Nutshell: "Chevalier depicts a microcosm of Dutch society during the seventeenth century that is riven by gender and class divisions as well as by sectarian prejudice". Mark Lopez; 2021
    • Review: "Although Chevalier shows some acquaintance with the matter and technique of sixteenth century painting, she shows little sensitivity to the creative process that must have obtained with Vermeer". Bob Williams; March 30, 2004
    • Status Conflict Caused by Broken Stereotype and Expected Role: "This is the story between the upper class and the lower class. The characters are not only characterized based on their images created by the author, but they also represent the characteristic of people in upper and lower class.". Indah Zumrotun, Diponegoro University ; March 30, 2004