Stereo anaglyph images

To view these stereoscopic photos, red-blue or red-cyan glasses are necessary; the red window must be on the left.

Stereo anaglyph images
Mönch and ice avalanche of 5 July 1984 (photo 6 Juli 1984).
Stereo anaglyph images
Tongue of Grosser Aletschgletscher from the south (July 1982).
Stereo anaglyph images
Grosser Aletschgletscher below Märjela; far background: Trugberg (3933m; October 2006).
Stereo anaglyph images
Near the glacier margin, below Mossfluo. Background: Gross Wannenhorn (3906m; October 2006).
Stereo anaglyph images
Grosser Aletschgletscher below Mossfluo. Near upper margin: Little Ice Age moraine (October 2006).
Stereo anaglyph images
View from Mossfluo over Grosser Aletschgletscher towards Driestgletscher (upper left) and Zenbächengletscher (upper right; October 2006).
Stereo anaglyph images
Meltwater channel (left) in front of Oberaletschgletscher (upper left); October 2006).
Stereo anaglyph images
Tongue of Oberaletschgletscher, meltwater channel and the high moraine from the Little Ice Age. Top left Wysshorn (3625m; October 2006).
Photos Jürg Alean