Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page

These images are all copyright Marc Caillet and were kindly provided by Pierre Vetsch, Société de Volcanologie Genève, and give an impression of the situation at Nyiragongo after the formation of a new lava lake after the lateral eruption in 2002.

Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Smoking cone of Nyiragongo from NE, one of the volcanoes emitting the largest amounts of SO2 in the world . On the right the extinct Baruta cone, a lateral center of Nyiragongo.
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Inside Nyiragongo on the second platform (about 250 m below the summital crest) corresponding to the level of 1994 lava. The inner pit with the new lava lake formed after the 2002 lateral eruption (fisheye lens).
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Part of the of the team on the second platform. We find it adviseable to be roped up. Although the rim seems stable it is all to easy to get too excited...
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
The new lava lake form the upper western rim close to the Bastion area. The size is very difficult to estimate but may be in the order of 200 meters by 150 meters (300 mm tele photo lens).
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Lava fountains reaching a height of tens of meters.
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Night view of Nyiragongo's crater from the first platform.
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
Lava lake activity as seen from the western end of the second platform.
Nyiragongo May 2005: Photo page
View from the same location as image on the left; detail of fountaining.
Special thanks to all the staff of the Goma Volcanological Observatory!