
Automatic Generation and Interactive Grading of Structured Exercises in the Theory of Computation

Exercises in higher education typically follow a generate-solve-grade pattern that takes days before students receive feedback on their performance. The concept of an automatic tutor, using today’s information and communication technology, aims to replace the solve-grade phase by interaction between a student and an automated tutor. This is possible in certain mathematically structured domains of knowledge where solutions and the solution processes can be checked algorithmically. Exorciser is a collection of exercises in an introductory course on the Theory of Computation where students test their mastery of basic concepts while the system’s fine-grained feedback pinpoints the source of any misunderstanding.


Screen shot: Startscreen Screenshot: Minimal DFA exercise Screenshot: Markov Algorithms


1 You will need Java 1.4 (or newer) installed on your computer to run Exorciser.
2 Download Exorciser: exorciser.jar (2.46 MB)
3 Execute Exorciser
Unix start with command: java -jar exorciser.jar
Mac OS X start with double click on exorciser.jar
Windows start with double click on exorciser.jar.


Vincent Tscherter