Hosseini, Khaled: *1965

A Thousand Splendid Suns, 2007 - Glossary

aush: a soup made with noodles and different vegetables in a tomatoe based broth

badmash: hooligan, bad person

chup ko: shut up

dokhtar: girl

fatiha: the central prayer of Islam, used on all special occasions

fatiha: can also mean funeral; prayers said after one has died

harami: A child born out of wedlock; a bastard

hamshira: a term used to address a female; sister

inqilabi: revolutionary

jinn: a demon which possesses the body

Kolba: A Hut or very simple home

namaz: prayer; 5 prayers said daily in Islam

nikka: wedding

rafiq: a friend

salaam: a greeting; peace

shaheed: holy martyrs

sofrah: a spread of items laid out on the floor for eating

tabreek: congratulations

tahamul: to endure

tandoor: a special oven for baking bread; often a communal oven.