Morrison, Toni: 1931 - 2019

The Bluest Eye, 1970 - Summary

  • The Breedlove family has moved from the rural south to urban Lorain, Ohio, and the displacement, in addition to grinding work conditions and poverty, contributes to the family's dysfunction. Told from the perspectives of the adolescent sisters, Claudia and Frieda MacTeer, Morrison's narrative weaves its way through the four seasons and traces the daughter's (Pecola Breedlove) descent into madness. Through flashback and temporal shifts, Morrison provides readers with the context and history behind the Breedloves' misery and Pecola's obsessive desire to have "the bluest eyes."
    Stanford, Ann Folwell
    Excerpted, with permission, from the Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database at New York University School of Medicine, © New York University.
  • Chapter by chapter summaries and notes: The Bluest Eye Message Board