Shaw, George Bernard: 1856-1950

Saint Joan, 1923 - Background

  • Saint Joan (1412-1431)
    • St. Joan of Arc: An interesting and scholarly biography from the unique point of view of the Catholic Encyclopedia.
    • Joan of Arc as military commander: "Joan was especially skillful in the use of artillery. Since the English relied on the longbow and as the French were never able to develop a comparable arm, the gunpowder revolution affected the French more positively than their opponents." John Egan
    • Joan of Arc - Saint or Witch?: "Many today have come to think of her as a fighter for women's civil rights and even as a feminist. But history does not support this view. Joan took up her mission unwillingly."
    • A History of Joan of Arc: "The play premiered in 1923, three years after Saint Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church."