Paton, Alan: 1903-1988

Cry, the Beloved Country, 1948 - Teaching

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    • The Family and Identity encourages students to think about their family experiences and the development of their own value systems. Thus students will be introduced first to the theme of identity and the family by way of "On Children" by Kahlil Gibran. The two poems which will follow, "Grandpa Schuler" and "Sestina of Youth and Age," provide two perspectives of the generation gap, yet both deal as well with youth's search for identity. "Cry, The Beloved Country" is the quintessential family work, for it connects the very notion of family to larger philosophical and religious constructs. From this, students can see that their problems are set within the structure of family, and that the concerns of the family extend to the concerns of society at large. From Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
    • Quiz Questions
    • Discussion Questions: Part 1 | Part 2