Dirt cones and glacier tables

Unteraargletscher is surrounded by many tall rockwalls entirely free of ice cover. Therefore a lot of debris falls on the ice leading to the formation of variegated moraines, occasionally very large glacier tables and dirt cones.

Dirt cones and glacier tables
Unusually large dirt cone; it contains mostly ice and is covered by a thin layer of dark sand only; Lauteraarhorn in the background.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Dirt cones are formed when fine glacial sediments reach the glacier surface as a result of ablation. The sediments then protect the ice from incoming radiation.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Weathering of boulders containing ferrous minerals leads to remarkable brown to orange colouring due to the formation of the mineral limonite.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
This big block of amphibolite probably originates in the NE face of Finsteraarhorns. "Finster", in fact, means dark and is a reference to dark rocks.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Blue glacier ice below a large glacier table.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Foliation is cleraly visible under another glacier table.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Glacier table in a meander of a meltwater stream.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
This glacier table's rock will soon fall off.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Glacier tables at an early stage of their formation (left foreground and on the right) and in a fully developed state (centre).
Dirt cones and glacier tables
A small meltwater stream dissects the ice pillar below this glacier table.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Perfectly developed glacier table on Strahlegggletscher.
Dirt cones and glacier tables
Several glacier tables on Strahlegggletscher; Schreckhorn in the background.
Photos Jürg Alean August 2004 and September 2005