The Island

Travel information

Transport | Camping | Shops | Vistor centre | Weather

Frequently we are asked questions about transport to Stromboli and accommodation on the island. Much of this information is available in printed travel guides or online. Please understand that maintaining this website is a highly time-consuming task and that we are unable to provide individual and free travel info. However as a service to travellers we have collected the most relevant links to information on the Web.

Transport to southern Italy and to Stromboli

  • DB ON LINE (European international train schedules)
  • TRENITALIA (Italian train service)
  • No cars may be taken to Stromboli, neither to the main village nor to Ginostra. Distances are small enough for walking. Transport between the two villages of Stromboli and Ginostra is by ship, hydrofoil or small boats operated by locals. Hotels in Stromboli village use small vehicles to pick up guests and baggage from the boat jetty at Scari. Stromboli is normally reached from Napoli by ship (and, only in summer, by hydrofoil or «Aliscafo»), and from Milazzo and the other Eolian Islands by ship and hydrofoil (all year round). Some timetables can be found online:

  • SIREMAR (Ships and «Aliscafi»)
  • SIREMAR: Bookings in Switzerland
  • SNAV («Aliscafi»)

    Some tourists are confused by the fact that both «Aliscafi» companies do not sell return tickets and there is no seat reservation system. On Stromboli this is, not least, due to the fact that Aliscafi and ships may be unable to land under adverse weather conditions.


There is no campsite on Stromboli, and «wild» camping is not permitted. Please respect this rule, and also do not simply sleep «on the beach» during summer. Stromboli is a fragile environment, pollution of various sorts is already a problem and there is no local fresh water available unless you stay in a rented room, «pensione» or hotel. Camping is also neither allowed nor advisable on the volcano. Hygiene is one reason, your personal safety another. Read more here.

Food, shops, post and banking

There are several food shops, a pharmacy and one bakery on Stromboli. «Touristy» boutiques are open in the season. It is, however, rather difficult to buy household items or «normal» clothes (for example in the event of lost baggage after air travel). People on Stromboli do their «serious shopping» in Lipari or in Sicily. Money: In 2000 there was a «bancomat». Major hotels take credit cards or Eurocheques. There is a post office near the church of San Vincenzo. A very useful shop opened on Stromboli in 2000, selling and renting hiking gear.

Culture and entertainment for the mind

In autumn 2001 a great new bookshop was opened on Stromboli: «La libreria sull' isola» located along the «upper» road leading from the church of San Vincenzo to the other one in San Bartolo. On sale are items of volcanological interest, but also novels, in several languages. It is one of the few places where you can find items such as Lipari's cultural centre interesting reprints of old travellers' books (Dolomieu, Spallanzani...). Postcards, photos and small artwork objects are also available. The bookshop is also an internet cafe, from where you can check your favorite Stromboli website ;-)

Visitor Centre

People interested in the volcano, its geological evolution and activity, should visit the small but highly informative visitor centre near Scari. It is found on the «coastal road» leading north from the boat jetty. The centre is in a not too obvious mobile container, between Hotel Ossidiana in Scari and the diesel operated electrical power station.


For information on Stromboli's climate and typical weather situations as well as some of our own meteorological data please consult our weather and climate section.